Using Alltalk TTS

Navigate to AllTalk and follow the instructions below to set up AllTalk using Docker or manually.

Setting Up AllTalk Locally

Method 1: Manual Setup

For manual setup, follow the official instructions provided here.

  1. Clone the AllTalk repository:

    git clone
    cd alltalk_tts
  2. Create conda environment and activated it:

    conda create --name alltalkenv python=3.11.5
    conda activate alltalkenv
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r system/requirements/requirements_standalone.txt
  4. Run the AllTalk server:

  5. Access the server at localhost:7851.

Method 2: Setup via Docker

  1. Pull the AllTalk Docker image:

    docker pull flukexp/alltalkenv
  2. Run the AllTalk Docker container:

    docker run -d -p 7851:7851 --name alltalk-server flukexp/alltalkenv
  3. The server will be available at localhost:7851.

Make sure AllTalk is enabled for TTS:

Settings -> Text-to-Speech -> TTS Backend -> AllTalk


  • AllTalk can be used as a local text-to-speech backend in your application.

  • For further details, refer to the official AllTalk GitHub repository.

Last updated