Using Moshi (Voice to Voice)
To test Moshi, you need to set up and run the Moshi Server on Runpod (Or your running it on your own computer/server):
Step 1: Set Up Moshi Server
Login to the Terminal on your instance, whether it is your own server or a Runpod instance (If you don't have a good GPU)
Clone the Moshi Server
Create a virtual environment
Activate the virtual environment
On macOS/Linux:
On Windows (Command Prompt):
On Windows (PowerShell):
Install dependencies
Step 2: Start the Moshi Server
Start the Moshi server (For Runpod):
Start the Moshi server (For your own computer):
Step 3: Change Settings on Amica to Use Moshi
Open Settings > Chatbot Backend , and select Moshi.
Then go to Settings > Chatbot Backend > Moshi, and then insert the correct URL for accessing Moshi server. (E.g. http://localhost:8000 for local server and a runpod proxy URL, which is on your runpod instance and looks like :, the URL has the runpod instance identifier and the port)
There is no difference whether you are running locally or off the Amica demo.
Ensure that Python and pip are installed before proceeding. Edit the model URLs in the main python script if you want to use a different model from Kyutai.
Replace the {port-number}
in the URL with the actual port number.
Last updated